
Student Life

Thoughts on New Years Resolutions

Thoughts on New Years Resolutions

I have heard many times the past few days that New Years Resolutions are pointless. That people may as well not even make them because no one accomplishes them anyways. They just makes you sad, if you even remember them. I, however, have a different thought. You see, we go all year focused simply on what we are doing that moment or later that day. Maybe even focused a bit on the weekend ahead. Most people spend little, if any, time sitting down and just reflecting on what they have or haven't accomplished recently. There's the exceptions; the people that blog reflections or note them in their planners but they are a seldom few. For most, the New Year is that one time to take a step back and just ponder what we could have done better.

I think this kind of reflection is the key to growing and changing in life. Once we get complacent, growth all but stops. We may change a bit naturally but it isn't intentional and may or may not actually benefit us. Your NYR may not be traditionally successful but it did get you to think. It got you to acknowledge that you have pitfalls and that working on them will eventually make a difference.

As for trying to be successful with your NYR, think SMART. For those of you not familiar with the acronym, it stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Specific meaning the terms of it are deliberate. Think "I'll go to the gym 3 times a week" instead of "I'll work out more". Measurable means you can identify whether or not you've achieved it. This means rather than saying you'll be happier in the new year, identify what you mean by happy and what that actually entails. This could mean your goal is to do a specific thing that makes you happy at least once a week or maybe daily. Its all up to you. As for achievable? Saying your goal is to be making 6-figures by the end of the year when you're just graduating in the spring may not be something you can accomplish in the time frame. When making your goal, be sure its in the realm of possibility. Realistic is a similar idea. It may be possible for you to go to the gym 6 times a week but if you haven't gone once in the past ten years, are you really being realistic with yourself? Maybe consider starting with two or three times a week. Lastly, you want your goal to be timely. This basically means that you don’t want your goal to be that "I'm going to go out of the country for the first time" because this leaves too much opportunity to back out. Consider, "I'm going to plan a trip to London for a week in August with my vacation time."

Goals don't have to be scary if they're SMART. And even if you don't achieve them this time around, that doesn't mean you have to give up. It just means that you need to give yourself another chance. Happy New Years, everyone and best of luck with your endeavors.

Minimalism | 1 of 2

Minimalism | 1 of 2

Off I Go

Off I Go